The Best Most Listened To Albums of 2009

Oops I forgot to post this earlier. Ah well, only a month late.

10. Ladyhawke – Ladyhawke

Synthy pop rock goodness out of New Zealand. She named herself after the 80s movie, and the 80s influence shines through hardcore, bringing me back to my childhood. Plus look at that album cover. Playing NES in her underwear? Dream woman.

9. Tegan and Sara – Sainthood

I love everything Tegan and Sara have ever put out, and Sainthood is no exception. Apparently this is the first album that they’ve actually written together. The result is a more mature-sounding, sometimes mainstream-sounding album, but it still holds some surprises.

8. Muse – The Resistance 

I was late jumping on the Muse bandwagon. I first heard them described as “the next Radiohead,” but they sound nothing like Radiohead, so maybe they just confused me. But anyway, I’ve come around, and The Resistance is another over-the-top blasting of dramatic rock goodness. It brings to mind Queen but sounds nothing like Queen.

Plus you gotta love them because, when told to lip sync, they do this:

7. The BPA – I Think We’re Gonna Need a Bigger Boat 

It seems like few people know that Fatboy Slim morphed into The BPA, then put out this insane mess of an album. Full of random guest stars babbling over Fatboy’s bouncy beats, it’s one of the most fun albums of the year.

Oh and this is one of the best videos of all time. OF ALL TIME.

Now I’ma let you finish.

6. Bat For Lashes – Two Suns

Bat for Lashes has this haunting, melancholy sound that I can’t stop listening to. This album is … like … if PJ Harvey and Tori Amos got it on, then popped out a baby, and that baby was a hobbit that went to visit elves and explore their musical secrets. You know what I mean?

5. Little Boots – Hands

This is just pure pop goodness. Little Boots is from England, where you can be a pop star even if you have weird teeth. I think her, Lights, and Lady GaGa should do a multinational concert together that will make teen girls and myself scream with glee.

I love this video too:

4. Marilyn Manson – High End of the Low 

I love Marilyn Manson like a son, but even I was slightly disappointed by his last album, Eat Me Drink Me. Luckily, Manson and his band are back with High End of the Low. This albums sees them less angsty, more playful. The way he casually growls “it’s arma-goddam-motherfuckin’-geddon” is irresistable.

Oh and listen to him singing with Lady GaGa!

Let’s see if I can work Lady GaGa into every entry here!

3. Joel Plaskett – Three

Plaskett, you cheater! This album is only in the top ten because it has 27 tracks on it. I’d have to listen to any other album 3 times to equal listening to this one once. But I’ll let it slide, because with no duds among all 27 songs, it’s a damn solid album. Plus he puts on an amazing live show.

I’ll just point out that Lady GaGa almost made this list with an 8-song album though.

2. Metric – Fantasies

When I first heard Fantasies, I remember thinking to myself that it would probably top this list. It’s one of those albums that you put on and go “oh, I love this song!”, then the next track comes on and you’re like “oh I love this one too!”, repeat x 10. Metric seems to have finally made the transition to big-ass popular band, and I’d love to see them play Stadium Love in a stadium. It’s a song about spiders fighting bats fighting eels, or something, which might be a metaphor? Whatever, it’s definitely awesome.

1. La Roux – La Roux

Well, this is embarrassing. See, I wouldn’t classify La Roux’s debut as a good album. Their 80s-inspired synthpop isn’t anything that hasn’t been done before, and probably done better. But obviously something here pleasured my eardrums enough to listen to it more than any other album of the year. Elly’s voice is just heartbreaking, and along with the nostalgia-soaked music, it tickles something deep in the drafty chambers of my blackened heart.

Here is the song/video that hooked me:

(again, from England where you can be both famous and awkward-looking)

So there’s my list. Perhaps you will find something here that you didn’t know existed until now. What were your favourite albums of the year?